Really do love the scale and the overall concept. I can understand how much it takes to get a product out the door from concept to shelves but the app is essentially in beta stage.
The scale works as advertised and is really well designed outside of the on/off function is a little hit or miss. They did a great job with the overall product.
I concur with other reviewers concerning the lack of organization with the recipes. Its essentially a bunch of recipes thrown together. You cant favorite a recipe or remove one, along with not being able to upload one.
One of the biggest disappointments is the fact that one of the selling points was the ability to scale recipes with the ingredients that you have. That feature isnt even live yet in the app, yet they advertise like it is. I would say thats pretty much false advertising.
Overall I like the potential Drop has but need to see many improvements in the app. Once that happens I will update my review.
Salak about Fresco - Smart, Guided Cooking